Funemployment Radio
Greg Nibler and Sarah X Dylan's Podcast. Intelligent conversations about ridiculous situations. Based out of Portland, Oregon, both are former Commercial Broadcasters, who decided to break off and do it on their own. They have been sharing their lives and amazing guests, 5 days a week, since 2009.

Tagalong, Moving On Up, Trading Places Greg, Citizens Arrest, Play Attire, Scotch, Fancy Duds, Kissing Hands, World Of Crazy, Dandelion Ear, Unicorns 4 Sale, Wife Swap Gone Wrong, Blunt Burger, Broken Glass, Knitting, Grenada, Patch, ASYLUM

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode997.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:42pm PST

GUESTS: SARAH WAGENER, TUGGY, TRISTAN, Gregnog Is Out, Sweatshirts, Gorgeous, Hitting On Chicks, Dating Power, World Of Crazy, Dirty Birds, Mariner Facts, Hilarity Ensues

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode996.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:49pm PST