Funemployment Radio
Greg Nibler and Sarah X Dylan's Podcast. Intelligent conversations about ridiculous situations. Based out of Portland, Oregon, both are former Commercial Broadcasters, who decided to break off and do it on their own. They have been sharing their lives and amazing guests, 5 days a week, since 2009.

Today: Sarah is heading to Bremerton and will not be wearing pajamas in public, Greg is going for a country Thanksgiving and then to a game, wearing a paddle and facepaint, and have an excellent week dear friends - we will talk to you next Monday!

Direct download: FER3057.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:26am PST

Today: Greg and Sarah got to go to a fancy dinner with their awesome friends, going to Greg's company holiday party and the most awkward accent, and more - we'll be back tomorrow with one more show this week, have a great night!

Direct download: FER3056.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:53pm PST