Funemployment Radio
Greg Nibler and Sarah X Dylan's Podcast. Intelligent conversations about ridiculous situations. Based out of Portland, Oregon, both are former Commercial Broadcasters, who decided to break off and do it on their own. They have been sharing their lives and amazing guests, 5 days a week, since 2009.

Allergies, Sickly, Tutu Winter, Healthy Wise, Bolo, Jean Claude, Football Shaped Eyes, Big Announcement, Time Cop, Ball Talk, Lindsey Vonn, Smoking And Running, Suh, Elbow, WFAN Mixup, Rhys, Glasses In The Rain, English Call, World Of Crazy, Conrad Murray, OSU Xmas Thieves, Ornament Stabbing, Invisible Baby

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode503.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:06am PST

It's Cold, Bremerton, Sarah's Bremelo Adventures, Greg In SD, Special Screaming Child, Fly Unzipped, AARON DURAN, Coastal Adventures, Kicked Out, Ball Talk, Oregon, Predictions, Colts Kid, Plaxico, Browns Rant, Turkey Eating, World Of Crazy, Blessed Twins

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode502.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:23pm PST

The Day After Yesterday, Sarah Hates Greg, So Early, Porn On Flights, Ball Talk, Busty Wife, Civil War, Predictions, Fined In Pigs, Happy Thanksgiving!

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode501.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:28am PST

500 Episodes!  You guys are awesome, GUEST: AARON DURAN, We Answer All Your Questions And More!  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode500.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:25pm PST

GUEST: SCOTT DALLY, Yay Tech Problems, Thanks TEG, Where To Find Juggalos, J Love, Thanksgivings, St. Paul Rodeo, Bathroom Etiquette, Muppets Review, Muppetists, Ball Talk, UO, Victoria's Secret, Lee Corso, 8 Pounds, Redskins, Burn Ticketstands, Sending Tweets Bitch

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode499.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:52pm PST

Day 5, Making Sarah Mad, Smells Like Bacon, Turkey vs. Pig, Bus Ride, Concerts, Scott H. Biram, Joe Buck, Devil, No Handers, Urinal Etiquette, Kenny GF, Listening, Twilight Talk, Ball Talk, U of O Hand Sign, Kevin Kolb Cheats, NCAA Money, Porn Codes, Kenny B Nerd Facts, Deaths, Diatribes,

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode498.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:55pm PST

GUEST: HARLAND WILLIAMS, Ten Minutes To Promote, Stiller, Curb, Canadians, Rick Moranis, Ghostbusters, Working Up Nerds, Peppin, Dressup, HARLAND WILLIAMS, In Rut, Bird Calls, Robin Hood, National Geographic, Easter Island, Amazing, Sports Announcer, Shuttlecock, Donuts, Rushmore, Book, Superstar, Wow, Geek In The City

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode497.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:52am PST

Beautiful Day, Gym, More Nudity, Innappropriate, Sarah Neighbors, GUEST: MARK THE BRIT, Tinkers, Online Poker, English Terms, Tallyho, Ball Talk, English Off, MW3, Beast Of Blackjack, London Rippers, Power Gobbler, Mark Speaks American

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode496.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:37pm PST

Ignorant, Christwire, Friends, Chatbox, Karoake, Psychic Stripper, World Of Crazy, Kat Von D, 19 times, Ryan Air Porn, Smuggling Weed, Losing Weight, Naked Man In Nut Tree, Ball Talk, Peyton Gone, Tebow Jesus, Favre, Andrews IPAD, Plane Bathrooms Are Dirty

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode495.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:35am PST

WE'RE LIVE!!, Tech Fun, Boink, Better With the Lights Off, AARON DURAN, Boobs, Swashbucklers Ball, Slippery Heels, Wedding, Gift Bearing, Listeners Worldwide, Rick Kills, KENNY B, Linsay Lohan, Balltalk, Stanford Cry, Bills, Rampage, Listener Calls, KOTK days, Occupy PDX, Nerd Facts, Tanooki, TUGGY, Bumpers, Lady Stalkers, Ricketsfest Rules

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode494.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:02pm PST

GUEST: AISHA TYLER, Better Than Ever, Holy Clutch, AISHA INTERVIEW, Beer, Donuts, Girl On Guy Podcast, Penn State, Late Drinking, Tall Bikes, Hippies, Test Babies, Zombies, Occupy, Apple Whore, C Word, Talk Soup, Friends, Fear, Wifi, Helium, BIG JIM, Black Rhino, Kenny B, After Mist, Oprah, Scrotums Biting Mad, MONDAY WE ARE LIVE!

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode493.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:14pm PST

LIVE STREAM STARTS MONDAY, I'm A Big Kid, Greg Is Sick, Fever Dreams, Not Allowed In Apartment, Skull Monster, 9 Deviled Eggs, Rules Of Buffets, BALL TALK, Penn State, Sarah Presents Portland and Oregon Facts, GENIES ROCKS

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode492.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:59am PST

LIVE STREAM STARTS MONDAY, Xmas Starts Early, Flip, Rick Emerson Kills People, Scary, Aisha Tyler Guest Announcement, On Hold Music, Impressions, Creepy, Ball Talk, DNA Tests, Racist Caddie, Kicked Out For Profanity, Munn, Brett Ratner, Murphy

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode491.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:09pm PST

LIVE STREAM MONDAY NOVEMBER 14TH, Secret Song Revealed, Greg's Shame, Loving To Hate, Adam Sandlers Giant Joke, Ball Talk, Awkward, Boring Game Of Century, Cool Kicker, TO Warrant, Woke Up Gay, Twitter Change, Lifetime Magic, Duggars, Thom's Clips

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode490.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:29pm PST

LIVE STREAM STARTS IN ONE WEEK, Welcoming You To The Show, GUEST: AARON DURAN, 2-Year Anniversary, Jack The Ripper, Bible Study, Cults, Benefits Of Greg And Aaron's Cults, Who To Join, Snakes, Helicopters, Join Us One Week From Today

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode489.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:57pm PST

2 YEARS, BIG ANNOUNCEMENT, Finally Happening, Big Changes, KENNY B, Sickness Spreader, GUESTS: DAN CLARK AND JAIME KIRK FROM PDXYAR.ORG, Pirates, Red Goat and Dingo, Rum, Sailor Jerry, Theater Troupe, Beards, Duties, Wenches, Swashbucklers Ball, Jeggings, 10 People, M/I, Cloves, Unibrow, Kenny B's Nerd Facts, English Terms

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode488.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:47pm PST

Get It Together, Cancel Account, Lifetime Or Megadeth, Remembering Through The Years, Gummy, Cyber Bully Message, Sweet Valley High, Brittany Daniel, Ball Talk, Texan Tattoo, Nickelback, NIU Beat Up Band, Serena Panic Room, World Of Crazy, Lohan Photoshop, Bieber Lovechild, Snooki Best Seller

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode487.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:42pm PST

Cyber Bully, Extra Star, Tacky, High School Stories, Juggalove, TAJ aka CJ, Ball Talk, Cards, Big Bet, Bad Handshake, Peyton Strep, Vitali, Packers Anthem, Audible,  Zombie Worms, Telepathic Love, Face Balls, Shapeshifting Donkey

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode486.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:33pm PST

Oops, A Very Special Commentary, GUESTS LISA AND BRIAN WOOD, Big-Ass Sandwiches, Wolf Masks, A Twitter Game, Famous And Poor, ALL AROUND AWESOMENESS

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode485.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:24pm PST

This Is Halloween, Favorite Holidays, AARON DURAN, The Party, Clowning People, Dressing Like A Dead Girl, Greg's Funemployment Radio Promo, Rules Of Haunted Houses

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode484.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:03pm PST