Funemployment Radio
Greg Nibler and Sarah X Dylan's Podcast. Intelligent conversations about ridiculous situations. Based out of Portland, Oregon, both are former Commercial Broadcasters, who decided to break off and do it on their own. They have been sharing their lives and amazing guests, 5 days a week, since 2009.

GUEST: BRIAN POSEHN, Modern Day Encyclopedia Brown, The Case Of The Pencil Man and the Missing Trophy, Bartending Until Close, Ball Talk, S Bowl Facts, Commercials, Prediction, Lisa Wood, BRIAN POSEHN, Big-Ass Sandwiches, Deadpool, D&D, Nerd Poker, Metal Awesomeness, Helium Comedy Club

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1034.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:49pm PST

An Addiction, OFFICE BREAK GIFTS, Free Food Issue, Sarah Watches Bad TV So You Don't Have To, Bass, Ball Talk, All-Stars, Kapernick Is Angry, Tutes At The Bowl, Mad Fanatic, World Of Crazy, Beating For Cuddling, Shooting Self, Eating For Money, Happy Meal, Police Not Fun

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1033.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:32pm PST

GUEST: KENNY B, Now You're A Man, Soldering, Bad Flying Machine, Greg Is Dying In Dreams, Wedding Ripoff, Rich People, You Should Travel More, SQUARESPACE, Voice Overs, Ball Talk, Bowlo De Super, British People, Manatees Porcupines, Denver Wins, World Of Crazy, Chocolate Toothpaste, Cows, True Love, Squatch Watch

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1032.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:30pm PST

GUEST: RICK EMERSON, Winking Sarah, BIG LISTENER PARTY ANNOUNCEMENT, Back On Stage, Russian Rick, Grimm, The Reveal, Hacky Radio Stunts, The Standup, The Rap Battle, Ball Talk, Terrible, Terrible, Songs, Happy Birthday Sir

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1031.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:35pm PST

GUEST: AARON DURAN, Sarah Out, Rachel Poison, What Is Involved With The Investigations, Demons In Greg's House, Stir Them Up, Ball Talk, Mexican Uniform, German Google, Sherman Song, Madfanatic Song, Squatch Watch, Bigfoot Bounty Hunter, World Of Crazy, McRib Parking Lot Fun, English And Pantsless

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1030.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:43pm PST

GUEST: ANDREW SANTINO, Big News We Can't Say, Don't Miss It, Bartending Role Play, Bad Customers, Ball Talk, USA v. Canada, A-Rod, Seahawks Songs, ANDREW, Mixology On ABC, Gingers, Cheetos, Miley Cyrus Follow, Helium Comedy Club, Science Facts, Sasquatch, Canadian Rats, Sarah Says

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1029.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:22pm PST

Froze Up, Hamster Village, Practicing The Routine, Focused On Greg, Rap Battle, Writing Rhymes, World Of Crazy, Bieber, Back To Canada, Snorting Smarties, Wanted Facebook Man, Ghost Ship Of Cannibal Rats

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1028.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:45pm PST

GUEST: NATHAN BRANNON & ANDIE MAIN, Computer Cooler, The Debate Of Standup, Sarah Watches TV So You Don't Have To, One Tree Hill, Wow, Ball Talk, Sochi Is Scary, A-Rod, Seahawks Song, NATHAN & ANDIE, Hamster Village Defined, Starting Comedy, Original Jokes, Haunting Of Andie, SQUARESPACE

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1027.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:30pm PST

Rappin, FER Network Listener Party, Suggested Events, 5 Minutes Of Sarah Standup, Going Deep, Shoved, Greg's List Ad, Tantra, Ball Talk, Sherman Song, World Of Crazy, Swiss Cheese, Meggings, Canceling A Wedding, Big-Ass Sandwiches

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1026.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:32pm PST

Business Exchange, Associated With A Bro, AARON DURAN, Ghost Boy Pin, Eco Group In The Woods, What Goes On There, Ball Talk, Seahawks 49ers, The Richard Sherman Experience, Washington Colorado, Omaha, Erin Andrews

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1025.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:24pm PST

Served, The Walter Song, Rap Battle, Ball Talk, Winslow Vaseline, Seattle San Francisco Songs, Predictions, World Of Crazy, Lebanon, Florida With Trees, Printer Return, Haunted House, Toothpaste Lawsuit, Science Facts, Seahawk, Toothpaste, Dogs

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1024.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:34pm PST

Shirts Up, A Walter, Felony Flats, The Spitters, World Of Crazy, Swiss Cheese Pervert, Eating, Squatch Watch, Squatch Love, Ball Talk, Kenny Anderson Grown Man, Praying For Football

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1023.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:26pm PST

GUEST: TRACY MORGAN, Twitter Anxiety, Interviewing Tracy, Portland Will Be Pregnant, Hashtag Thing, Nervous About Walter, Out In The Flats, Squarespace Rocks, World Of Crazy, Shooting Icicles, Beer Fire, Swiss Cheese Pervert, Titanic Ride, Street Slang,  Squatch Watch, Bigfoot Likes Pizza

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1022.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:33pm PST

GUESTS: SEAN JORDAN, RANDY MENDEZ, CURTIS COOK, Zipper Issue, Looking Weird In Public, Low Voice, The Package Fiasco Continues, Rachel, Ball Talk, Omaha Omaha Omaha, SEAN, RANDY, CURTIS, FUNNY OVER EVERYTHING, Socks, Michael Brians, Child Weapon, Hilarity Ensues

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1021.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:16pm PST

Dream Conversation, The Little Boy, Lights Out Cannon Beach, Looters, The Great Cat Debate, Ball Talk, Seahawks Galore, A-Rod, Bronco Song, World Of Crazy, Chess Game Gone Wrong, Swiss Cheese Pervert, Cockroach, Hand Sanetizer, Arm Wrestling Ear, Surfboard Urban Legend

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1020.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:24pm PST

GUEST: KYLE KINANE, The Cat Lady Cometh, Big Decisions For Sarah X Dylan, KYLE KINANE INTERVIEW, Cheerleader Massacre 2, The Ranch, Kyle Is Awesome, SQUARESPACE, Ball Talk, Rodman Is Drunk, NFL Predictions, Dr. Science, String Cheese, Winter New Years Day

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1019.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:51pm PST

GUEST: ZAK BURNS, The Note, Xray, World Of Crazy, Pregnant Butter Fight, Banana Bandit, One Eyed Jack, Meow Meow, Ear Biting, ZAK, Malt Liquor, Xray, Radio, David Lee Roth, Jeff, Awesomeness

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1018.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:15pm PST

Street Toughs, The Ballad Of Jury Duty, Friendly Lady, Favorite Time Is Quiet Time, Flu Shot Terror, Wuss On Facebook, Ball Talk, Yelling Room, Seahawks Fans, Friday Night Tykes, World Of Crazy, Atomic Wedgie, Drink Cart, ICP, Klingon, Space Aliens McCarth

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1017.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:37pm PST

Imposter Sarah From Malta, Ask Him Anything, Jury Duty Woes, Know It All, Wearing Jeans, Ball Talk, BCS National Championship, Famous Jameis, MMA Break-in, Rodman Is Insane, World Of Crazy, Florida With Trees, PB&J Brother Fight, Fake Policeman Free Food, ASYLUM PDX

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1016.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:40pm PST

Too Late For Xmas, Groundhog Tree, AARON DURAN, Heads, Pilates Alone, Running From Flu, Ball Talk, Chargers Winning, Tonya and Nancy 20 Years Later, Prediction, Squatch Watch, An Army Of Tall Bigfoots

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1015.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:27pm PST

SquareSpace, Knocking On The Door, Instructions For Rachel, Meth Zombies, The Sickness, Squatch Watch, Ball Talk, NFL Predictions, Packers Lorde Song, SQUARE SPACE.COM/FUNEMPLOYMENT, World Of Crazy, Divorce Over Peas, Banana Throwing, Anniversary Tires, Dr. Science, Champagne, Frostbite

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1014.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:54pm PST

No Goats, Meerkat Backyard, Vague Predictions For 2014, Squatch Capture, Overalls, Ball Talk, Rodgers Rumors, World Of Crazy, Vegas Wedding, Escaping House Arrest, Assault With A Turkey Neck, Worst Things Of 2013

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1013.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:31pm PST

Happy New Year's Eve, Facebook Takes Note, Bleach Dreams, Resolutions, Sarah's New Neighbor Yeller, A Mystery, Helicopter Spying, Claudia Tortilla, World Of Crazy, Window Hump, Mashing, Ball Talk, Year End, Arod, Jetersburg, Cardinal Worst Song

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode1012.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:14pm PST