Fri, 30 October 2015
Candy For The Kids, ASYLUM, 15-Year Old With A Mustache, Trick Or Treat, WoC, Nutscape, Portland Thief, Glory, Ball Talk Predictions, Halloween Facts With Sarah, That Being Said, D. LEONIDAS PHOTOGRAPHY |
Thu, 29 October 2015
GUEST: TIM RILEY, The Road Incident, Road Rules, Flapping The Arms, Angry Driver, Crazy Old Lady, Sarah Is Cocktail Training, Blowing Fire, TIM RILEY, Tim is absolutely fantastic and his podcast is called TIM RILEY BREAKING NEWS, Left Alone, ASYLUM |
Wed, 28 October 2015
GUEST: NICK WILSON, Sensual Experience, SMALL TOWN BREWERY, Fabric Store, The Line, Jon Snow, WoC, It Bit, FER BINGO NIGHT, Not Your Father's Root Beer, Not Your Grandma's Bingo, Ball Talk, National Treasure, Derek Jeter, Predictions
Tue, 27 October 2015
GUEST: GREG DROBOT of Face Rock Creamery, Sarah Clashes With Kim, Halloween Costume Idea Taken, Phyllis Nefler, Riff Raff, WoC, Monopoly Fight, I'm A Bike, Curse Of The Haunted Curds Event, Poutine, Greg Drobot, NOT YOUR FATHER'S ROOT BEER, NEXT ADVENTURE |
Mon, 26 October 2015
GUESTS: DERRICK LAMERE & BEN DUPRIS, Game Changer, D. LEONIDAS PHOTO CONTEST WINNER, Greg An Act For The Ages, SMALL TOWN BREWERY, FER BINGO NIGHT, WoC, Pumpkin Boats, Spear vs Sword, Expensive Sword, Hot Dogs, 7TH WAVE FILM, Native American Arts, Film Making, Nightmare At Niblers, Team Event Center |
Fri, 23 October 2015
GUESTS: LARRY CRANE & JENNA ZINE, Sarah's Old Lady Shoes, New Job, As A Tycoon, Eyes Wide Shut Parties, Mature, WoC, Secret Kisses, NY Rats, Tractor Love, LARRY & JENNA, Jackpot Recording, Mission Theater, Comedy In Space, Keep It Like A Secret, Gwyneth Paltrow, Larry and Jenna RAWK!, D. LEONIDAS |
Thu, 22 October 2015
Something's Missing, Mature Beige Sweater, Pants Issue, The Taco Cart Incident, Where Did It Go, WoC, Texas Is Crazy, Meat Loaf Rescues Puppy, Subway Measurements, Squatch Watch 3fer, D. LEONIDAS. |
Wed, 21 October 2015
Changes Are Here, What Are They Doing To My House, Meth, Back To The Future Facts And Trivia, Sarah Is Full Of Them, D. LEONIDAS Costume Contest, Ball Talk, Fantasy Action, Cubs |
Tue, 20 October 2015
GUESTS: ADAM PASI & JON WASHINGTON, Greg's Jam, Not A Foodie, Sparkly Water, Strange Dreams, Lego Guy, WoC, Squatting In A Mansion, Lisbon Airport, NEXT ADVENTURE, ADAM & JON, Old Guy Clown Makeup, Helium Comedy Club, Funny Humans vs. The Wheel, Butter Wrestling, Ball Talk Louisville |
Mon, 19 October 2015
Supreme Champion Sarah, D LEONIDAS PHOTOGRAPHY, Retro Gaming Expo, Oregon Trail, Killer Instinct, What Do Greg's Dreams Mean, Drug Dealer, WoC, Billy The Kid, Aer Lingus Bite, Testicle Festival, Creepy Lyrics, Is Greg Eccentric, Ball Talk, Michigan Loss |
Fri, 16 October 2015
Parking Lot Creep, Kenny B, Exiting The Job, Radio Bias, Sarah Call It Out, Talk To The Pants, D. LEONIDAS PHOTOGRAPHY, WoC, Target Sounds, ALL JANE COMEDY, Trolling Cardinals Fans, Cubs, ASYLUM |
Thu, 15 October 2015
Holding The Breath, Weird Relaxing, Dentist, Torturing Devices In Your Mouth, WoC, Mother Daughter Meth, 30 Pound Burrito, Black Coffee Pscyhopath, Alien Megastructure, Dyson Sphere, Ball Talk, Canada Thanks Greg, Predictions Dodgers Mets |
Wed, 14 October 2015
GUEST: ART SANTANA, Cemetery Dance, Squatch Watch, Sarah's Magazine Cover, Stephen King, Strange Dreams, Snoop, Pretend Pregnant Monster Ladies, WoC, North Pole, Subway Issues, ART from GROUND KONTROL, PDX RETRO GAMING EXPO, Video Game Awesomeness, D.LEONIDAS PHOTOGRAPHY, Tebow Lions, Cubs |
Tue, 13 October 2015
GUEST: KRISTINE LEVINE, End Of An Era, Through The Years, Barking at Dogs, Change For Greg, WoC, Playboy, Big Tip, Jersey Devil, KRISTINE LEVINE, All Jane Comedy, Revenge Stories, Fear And Respect Kristine, Hamster Village |
Mon, 12 October 2015
GUEST: DAVID fom D.LEONIDAS, Mario Kart Pro, Keith and the Girl Saturday, Ground Kontrol, Anxiety, Beat Up By 15 Year Olds, Opening Up, Cracking On The Bus, WoC, Clowns, Florida Dog, Periscope, D. LEONIDAS PHOTOGRAPHY, Costume Contest, Variety, Celebrate Life With Photos |
Fri, 9 October 2015
GUEST: DAVID HUNTSBERGER & ANDIE MAIN, Princess, Getting Old, Sharpie Nails, Greg Gifts, ASYLUM, WoC, Florida Skull, Stolen Car, Fingernail Glue, DAVID & ANDIE, P Book, That Guy In Every Town, THE JUNK SHOW at CURIOUS COMEDY, Ball Talk Predictions, D. LEONIDAS PHOTOGRAPHY |
Fri, 9 October 2015
GUEST: HARLAND WILLIAMS, Ma'am, Crab Legs, Harland Is Fantastic, Harland Highway Podcast, Burning Man, Fudgy, HELIUM COMEDY CLUB
Direct download: FunemploymentRadioIntHarlandWilliams.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:21am PST |
Thu, 8 October 2015
Last Days Of 34, Sarah Is Getting Older, Ma'am Territory, WoC, AI's, Sucking Up To Robots, Adult University, Lil Bub, Mac N Cheese, Meat Veggies, Ball Talk, OK Blue Jays, Royals, D. LEONIDAS PHOTOGRAPHY |
Wed, 7 October 2015
The Saga Of Herbert The Chicken, Sarah's Tale, Alone On The Streets, Caring Too Much, Sweet Sweet Tammy, Herbert Wings, WoC, End Of World, Exercise Pill, Fire Ant Island, NEXT ADVENTURE, Cubs Steve Bartman |
Tue, 6 October 2015
Sarah's New Responsibility, Preferences, Dirt Clods Are Always Good, Stern Aunt or Crazy Auntie, WoC, New Doomsday, Pepsi Perfect, Walking Meth Lab, Skin Art, Jon Snow D LEONIDAS PHOTOGRAPHY HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST, Seahawks Scandal, CC, Astros Songs |
Mon, 5 October 2015
God Bless You Or Gesundheit, Greg Being The Rude Guy, Sneezing, D. LEONIDAS PHOTOGRAPHY, HALLOWEEN COSTUME PHOTO CONTEST, Essence That Isn't There, WoC, No Pilot, Pizza Rat, Princess Leia, Ball Talk Predictions |
Fri, 2 October 2015
GUEST: DAVID KOECHNER, Reverend Greg, What Is Niblerism, Snack Based Religion, DAVID KOECHNER at Helium Comedy Club, Portland, Krampus, David Is Awesome, Peeple, Pigman, Ribfight, Robot Voice, NEXT ADVENTURE, Predictions |