Funemployment Radio
Greg Nibler and Sarah X Dylan's Podcast. Intelligent conversations about ridiculous situations. Based out of Portland, Oregon, both are former Commercial Broadcasters, who decided to break off and do it on their own. They have been sharing their lives and amazing guests, 5 days a week, since 2009.

Today: Trying to separate good from bad, audition in a muddy backyard, robot pizza and Hanks times three, and have a great afternoon all - we are grateful for you. 

Direct download: FER2757.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:57pm PST

Today: We inexplicably started talking about small 80s toys and then Greg confessed to not wanting to share his GI Joes, 18 eggs on a hand and fake pregnancies, crossbow in pants, and have a great weekend all! :)

Direct download: FER2756.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:54pm PST

Today: We inexplicably started talking about small 80s toys and then Greg confessed to not wanting to share his GI Joes, 18 eggs on a hand and fake pregnancies, crossbow in pants, and have a great weekend all! :)

Direct download: FER2756.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:54pm PST

Today: We inexplicably started talking about small 80s toys and then Greg confessed to not wanting to share his GI Joes, 18 eggs on a hand and fake pregnancies, crossbow in pants, and have a great weekend all! :)

Direct download: FER2756.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:54pm PST

Today: We inexplicably started talking about small 80s toys and then Greg confessed to not wanting to share his GI Joes, 18 eggs on a hand and fake pregnancies, crossbow in pants, and have a great weekend all! :)

Direct download: FER2756.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:54pm PST

Today: We inexplicably started talking about small 80s toys and then Greg confessed to not wanting to share his GI Joes, 18 eggs on a hand and fake pregnancies, crossbow in pants, and have a great weekend all! :)

Direct download: FER2756.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:54pm PST

Today: Sarah is very excited because it's Twin Peaks day, how do you celebrate and eating pie, nose tooth and dog food, drunk Florida ladies and Disney World, and have a great day all! :)

Direct download: FER2755.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:47pm PST

Today: We are back today in-studio, the segment with Sarah and the parking ticket aired last night (video below!), 2/22/2022, National Margarita Day, and have a great afternoon dear friends! :)

Direct download: FER2754.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:42pm PST

Today: Sarah took herself on a Seattle adventure and this is just what it's about this week, going to see a troll under a bridge and looking at a past park, playdough is evil and babysitting, and have a wonderful weekend!

Direct download: FERR2753mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:20pm PST

Today: If you have kids this is like the least mind-blowing episode as two non-child-having people discuss what it's like to be around children, pickups and drop-offs, fields of children and sign-ins, cool balloons and haunted rings, and have a great day all! :)

Direct download: FERR2752mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:53pm PST

Today: Greg posted a story on Instagram and didn't realize that people took him seriously, farm to table taquitos, Sarah in Seattle and the children in a field, the sign and the balloons, and have a great afternoon all - back tomorrow! :)
Direct download: 2751.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:33pm PST

Today: Oh it's a devisive one today folks - first up Greg's neverending gloating of predicting yet another Superbowl winner (it's getting weird), Oscar nominees and our true feelings about a particular movie, and Sarah is heading to Seattle! Have a great day all! :)
Direct download: FER2750.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:53pm PST

Today: The one and only RICK EMERSON joined us to talk about his new book!!!!! Get all the details in the show today, plus we try to teach him the first steps of Instagram :) Have a wonderful weekend friends!

Direct download: FER2749.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:05pm PST

Today: Our good pal Aaron Duran joined us to talk about all of his new projects he's been working on, getting his book published and traveling to Madrid, Four Lokos and almost getting arrested, and an exciting contest that will be coming up in the not-so-distant future :) Have a great afternoon all!
Direct download: FER2748new.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:50pm PST

Today: We were joined by the always delightful Lane Moore to talk about their show happening on Monday, February 14th at Mississippi Studios! Also today - Sarah and the scavenger hunt, update on the Dept. of Revenue, and have a great day all! :)

Direct download: FER2747.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:47pm PST

Today: Sarah has tried to join many different groups on the internets and feels like she is invisible, Greg and the Olympics, oldest pub in the world, monkey serenade, dog painter, ball talk and Blazers, and have a great afternoon friends! :)

Direct download: FER2746.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:39pm PST

Today: Sarah went downtown for her interview, awkward sitting in front of the KOIN tower, parking tickets and radio studios, 10 million dollar drawing, fake DEA agents in Portland, and have a wonderful rest of your day all! :)

Direct download: FER2745.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:49pm PST

Today: Our good friend Gilbert Gleason from Block Advisors joined us to talk about tax updates this year, the new child tax credit and how that impacts families, and Sarah is going to be on the news next week about her ticket from 2005! Have a great weekend all, and we'll talk with you on Monday :)

Direct download: FER2744.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:37pm PST

Today: Our good friend Rick Emerson joined us, and for the most part we talk about the apocalyptic wasteland that is now Lloyd Center, plus stairwell trolls & machete elevators - have a good afternoon all! 

Direct download: FER2743.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:42pm PST

Today: Accidentally putting emojis on people's posts, oh dear god what have I done, Sarah and the plant she forgot about, Florida personalized license plate rejects, space Toyota and eating raw meat, and have a wonderful afternoon friends!!

Direct download: FER2742.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:29pm PST