Funemployment Radio
Greg Nibler and Sarah X Dylan's Podcast. Intelligent conversations about ridiculous situations. Based out of Portland, Oregon, both are former Commercial Broadcasters, who decided to break off and do it on their own. They have been sharing their lives and amazing guests, 5 days a week, since 2009.

Canadian Adventure, Learning The Accent, Chesterfield, Craigslist Dater, Gold Digger or Prostitute, World Of Crazy, Jenner Tape, Surgery For The Perfect Woman, Ball Talk, CFB Predictions, Science Facts, Banana Peels, Microwaves, Canadians

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode932.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:35pm PST

GUEST: JOHN HEFFRON, Greg Anxiety, Writing The Wrong Thing, Kenny B, Messing With Marvel, Meow, Are You A Jerk, Napping At Work, Kenny B Speech, World Of Crazy, Ambitious Young Lady, Singles Band, Metal Cruise, JOHN HEFFRON, Problems In Carl's Village, New Book, Trying Broccoli, HELIUM COMEDY CLUB

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode931.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:09pm PST

JETS, Pretending To Be Star Trek, AARON DURAN, Warp Drive Noise, Dragon Con, Craigs List Posts For Love, Burning Man, World Of Crazy, New Dictionary Words, Sour Toe Shot, Tami Jo Pirkle, Ball Talk, OSU Chainsaw Song, Frankenstein On Mars

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode930.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:28pm PST

GUEST: ADAM CAROLLA, Tarp City, BIKE GALLERY, Methumentary, Prior To Hood to Coast, Methuzula, Methette, ADAM CAROLLA, Murder Of Crows, World Of Crazy, Peeper, Bath Salts, Gnome Homes, Spin And Jerk, Ball Talk, Big Walker, Johnny Football

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode929.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:34pm PST

HOOD TO COAST RECAP, So Sore, LOST AND FOUND, Nike Pre Party, Pretty People, Timblerine Lodge, Nightmares, Pebble, Murder Bathtub, Jon and Kathleen, Pool, The Blister, Sh*t Apples, Coyotes And Hobo Fires, Sleeping In Rain, Squatch Thoughts, Seaside, Awesome Experience

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode928.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:43pm PST

Hood To Coast, Kenny B, Punchable Face, Pickpockets, Mt. Hood, Morning Zoo Type Thing, Kicking Idiots, First Step Of Meth Head, SCIENCE FACTS, Runners High, Falling Off Mountains, Adam No, Nike Etiquette, Sharky Comes Out

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode927.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:16pm PST

GUEST: LEAH & AMAI from THE LOST AND FOUND, Guessing Game, Nervousness, The Killing, Haircutting Nightmare, World Of Crazy, Airplane Door, Log Truck, Dislocated Jaw, Backrub, Liquid Lapdance Pants, Ball Talk, Siri OSU, THE LOST AND FOUND, Boozecicles, Turkish Prison, Funemployment Drink, NEW SPONSOR

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode926.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:49pm PST

GUEST: DANIELLE ATE THE SANDWICH, National Geographic Special, BIKE GALLERY UPDATE, Meth Heads In The Wild, World Of Crazy, Canned Shrimp, Eating A Tapeworm, Terry Boyd, Ghost, Ball Talk, LeBron Cops, Sugarpova, MCKAY USED BOOKS, DANIELLE, Awesomeness

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode925.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:54pm PST

GUEST: ANTON from SORELS, Shiny Shorts, AARON DURAN, Susanville Tales, Prison Ladies, Ball Talk, Paint Dry, Chestnut Goes Down, MLB Soap Opera, ANTON, BIG ANNOUNCEMENT

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode924.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:28pm PST

One Week H2C, Stinky Van, Kicked Out Of Track Meet, SORELS, World Of Crazy, Lindsay Lohan Fan, Lion Dogs, Serial Flasher, Saw, T Time, Ball Talk, Streaker, LA KISS, Troll Fight, A-Roid, Ichiro Song, Dr. Science, Rocks, Wood, Steroids

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode923.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:21pm PST

GUEST: BOBBY LEE, Kenny Gets A Hundred, Artforms, Too Much Power, Deal With It, Arrested Development, Thailand, Communicating With Crazy, Yelling Woman, Rhubarb Lady, Alarm Scare, Kenny B, Scrap Metal Fight, ASMR, Braingasm, World Of Crazy, Ear Biting Port St. Lucie

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode922.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:38pm PST

GUEST: MATT from THE SECRET SOCIETY, BFF LBJ, A Big Mistake In Line, Horrible Person, World Of Crazy, Obama Adopted Son, Cat Fighting Leagues, Eaten By Cats, Ball Talk, Baba Booey, SECRET SOCIETY, FER SHOWCASE ANNOUNCEMENT, Vintage Shows, Industry Night, Aperol

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode921.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:39pm PST

Fancy Acting, Bike Gallery Challenge, Purpling Yourself, Jets Conspiracy, World Of Crazy, Cop Car Relief, Machete In Italy, Don't Slide Off Of A Boat, Adventures Of Walter Juan Pablo

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode920.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:08pm PST

Lake Owner, Billy Chinook, 4 Dude Wrestling, Pyramid Sarah, Shooting Arrows, We Are Those People, Noodle Battle Champion 2013, Silent Rock, World Of Crazy, Sinkholes In Florida, Forrest Gump-y, Monster Fish, Squatch Watch

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode919.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:19pm PST

Roughing It, Snipes, Flight Attendant Talk, Inside Lingo, Dinosaurs, Shoes Or No Shoes, World Of Crazy, GB Party, Wendy, Dog Kisses, Peepin Saves Lives, Love Plane, Weird Texts, How To Kiss A Girl 1912 Style

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode918.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:26pm PST

GUEST: IAN KARMEL and FRIENDS, Exclusive audio from Lisa's show, a sendoff for Ian as he moves to LA

Direct download: FERNetwork-PlayAnything-IanKarmel-080713.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:23pm PST

GUEST: RHYS DARBY, Kiwi Accent, Novelist, Spaceships, Climbing Kilimanjaro, Ducks, Finding Bigfoot, Real Zombies, Shamed By Mailmen, Dog Attack, Shamed By Old Man, Kenny B, Mail Hoarding, Swinger Neighbors, World Of Crazy, Java Juggs, Kesha, Ghost Hunting, Keith The Nerd, Dr. Science, Sunburn, Sticky Notes, Dark Matter

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode917.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:04pm PST

Bed Push, I'm Not Crazy There's No Ghost, Stolen Tags, Ladder Bikini, Bloody Mary, World Of Crazy, 911 Seatbelt, Headbutt Airport, Gestures, Ball Talk, Pool Phelps, City Gent, Royals Fountain Lady

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode916.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:21pm PST

Postal Discussion, Bike Gallery Bike Challenge, Mystery RV, Courage Sorels, Resume Rodeo, World Of Crazy, Kesha Jewelry, McDonalds 911, Rescue Dog, Hair Thief, Ball Talk, West Germans, Bull Run, Manning Rap, Baseball Proposal, Sharky Hates Shark Week

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode915.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:23pm PST

Respect, Spritzers, Horf, Hitting The Buffet, AARON DURAN, Trek In The Park, Sun Hating, Sorels, Ball Talk, Free Stuff, A-Rod, World Of Crazy, Bird Cream, Homemade Things, Meth Super Villians

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode914.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:18pm PST

GUEST: ROBBIE RIST, Ones And Twos, Sharknado Interview, Death By Sign, Red Carpet, Robbie Rocks, DJ Power, Forward Promote, Ball Talk, Bad Dog, A-Rod, Science Facts, Heartburn, Water Insects

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode913.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:48pm PST

GUESTS: ADAM ROSKO and JESSE GRAFF, Trek In The Park, On Top Of It, Alley Property, Rhubarb Soundboard, Stripper Cards, Punchy Friends, Adam and Jesse, Trouble With Tribbles, Five Year Mission, Behind The Scenes, Hot Man And Dispensary, Dollar For You

Direct download: FunemploymentRadioEpisode912.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:41pm PST