Thu, 31 October 2019
Today: Greg is dressed up for Halloween and can't seem to keep his mustache on, Sarah and her vintage Rosie the Riveter outfit, going to the real estate conference, what ever happened to Suzanne Powter, and so so much more random stuff :) Thank you for listening friends, have a wonderful afternoon! |
Tue, 29 October 2019
Today: Sarah is really nervous because she's going to her first job convention thing, how to act and will she have to eat lunch by herself in the bathroom, making new friends and being fancy, trapped in a bathroom and in love with a plane, and more! Have a great afternoon all! |
Mon, 28 October 2019
Today: Greg and Sarah dressed like characters from the Righteous Gemstones for a costume contest, battle of The Jetsons and Greg's strange visitor, grey hair and meth heads, most expensive parking spot ever, Florida man and cheeze dip, and more - have a great day all! |
Wed, 23 October 2019
Today: Sarah went to the fancy pants nail salon and there was a strange British woman there, uncomfortable people very close to you, national slap your coworker day, scariest haunted house IN THE WORLD, stealing things in a baby carrier, and more - have a great afternoon friends! |
Tue, 22 October 2019
Today: Sarah and Greg have completely gone bonkers and we have now recognized that Greg is haunted by ghosts of meth current, Meth the musical and should we reenact it at the Listener Party, who is more psychic, and it's just a big pile of crazy - have a great afternoon all!! |
Mon, 21 October 2019
Today: Greg has been cleaning his house and found some of his past fashion choices, why would you hide that in a closet, chin straps and JNCO Jeans, looking like a hoarder, Barbie Dream house and Jim Beam Distillery, Tupac Shakur in Tennessee, testicuzzi, Olympic robots, and more - thanks for listening, and snag your tickets to our 10-Year Anniversary happening on November 15th! |
Fri, 18 October 2019
Today: To round out the week we were joined by the hilarious Matt Braunger, who will be at Helium Comedy Club tonight & tomorrow night! What starts out as a normal interview gradually spirals into a calvalcade of hilarity & mental imagery - it's a must-listen :) Have a great afternoon friends, and talk to you on Monday! |
Thu, 17 October 2019
Today we were joined by the always hilarious Billy Wayne Davis to talk all things comedy, coming to Portland, Romantic Comedies, and - multiple times - to talk about how awesome Walton Goggins is :) Have a great afternoon all! |
Wed, 16 October 2019
Today: We were joined by the hilarious Amy Miller (who will be at Helium Comedy Club TONIGHT - get your tickets here!) - we talked all things Portland, living in LA, traveling for comedy, bird people, and more - she is wonderful. Also today - Sarah has discovered the joy of her car CD player, and she's prepping for going into battle tomorrow - wish her luck :) Have a great afternoon friends! |
Tue, 15 October 2019
Today: Sarah went to a teeny-bopper concert over the weekend and it was unlike anything else, screaming girls and forever lines for merch, Dr. Phil's son and Funemployment Radio's 10-Year Anniversary party (!!), holy water shoes, tech shirt, reflections in your eyes, vegan chicken girl, and more - have a great afternoon! |
Mon, 14 October 2019
Today: Greg and Sarah are back from Vegas! We talked all things about the trip, going to clown college, finding secret bars and drinking from leg lamps, tricks for free drinks, rattlesnake sausage, and more - have a great afternoon friends! |
Tue, 8 October 2019
Today: Sarah and Greg are getting ready to go to Vegas, Sarah keeps forgetting that her birthday is tomorrow, what to do in Vegas and where the speakeasy's are, people living under the city and going to the best dive bar, and lots of other fun facts - have a most excellent week friends, and be sure to follow us on the Social Medias for updates on our adventures! Have a great afternoon! |
Mon, 7 October 2019
Today: Sarah had a very strange experience at the store, do aliens exist and what language do they speak, what kind are there and why does the crazy always find us, grocery store etiquette and talking about purchases, and more - have a great afternoon all! |
Fri, 4 October 2019
Today: Greg wasn't in today so Sarah had the chance to interview Heather McDonald, who will be at Helium Comedy Club tonight & tomorrow - get your tickets here! Sarah & Heather talked about the world of podcasting, reality television, dream guests, Barbie doll re-enactments, and more - Heather is hilarious. Thanks for listening, and be sure to also snag your tickets to our 10-Year Anniversary Party coming up on Friday, November 15th! Have a great weekend! |
Thu, 3 October 2019
Today: Greg got to interview a Marvel superhero today, which one would you want to talk to, making all costumes 'sexy' for a party, NBA food-taster job, Avocado fight in Florida, the scariest TMNT costume EVER is/was up for auction, and more - oh, and nbd but OUR TICKETS ARE ON SALE FOR OUR TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY - SNAG YOURS TODAY!!!! |
Wed, 2 October 2019
Today: Greg had a dream that may or may not be a repressed memory from a childhood Bigfoot sighting (ha), and the Portland (and music) Legend himself, Mr. Terry Currier (of Music Millenium), joined us along with Master Brewer Ryan Pappe from Portland Brewing, to talk about the newest beer in the "Keep Portland Weird" Beer Series: Portland Brewing's In The Groove Black Vinyl Lager - we also hear some great stories of Terry's adventures, try some delicious beer, and have an all-around great time. Thanks for listening and have a great afternoon! |
Tue, 1 October 2019
Today: We were joined by the hilarious Adam & Nariko to talk about their new show that is happening on Saturday, October 5th at 9pm at Kickstand Comedy called Savages! They talked about being Portland's Funniest Person, performing stand-up and improv, and more - it's a lot of fun :) Have a great afternoon all! |